Remember the good old days when your parents taught you how to save? How they tried to make you realize the value of money. The first lessons on how to save money??? The little money pots (or call it money boxes) they bought for us. I still remember my first money pot. it was in the shape of a swan :) when I first learned the arts of saving money (did i learn it???..i guess no). let's at least say...when I first thought about saving money. my mom used to tell me little stories. and let me realize how much importance money had in everyday life. she used to tell me once the pot is full we shall buy this and that. :) and the feeling used to be great. how I used to put every single penny into my pot. I even used to quit buying candies 'coz I was all into "Saving Money". :) and then slowly as we grow up we realize "saving money" is not so much of an easy task. but still we keep little dreams and little goals for ourself. and try to save it. for a friends b'day for your parents anniversary. I made up small small reasons to save money. and yes to an extend I used to be successful good at it. :) The shapes and trends of my money saver boxes kept changing from little cute animal shapes to beautiful cindrella and barbie sets to wooden shaded classic collections with my age the money box changed its face. now that I am grown up and started working. I have started to earn myself but I have no money box anymore. but I still have my little pot of DREAMS... :) (where I save my dreams of owning a beautiful home.)