This is the very very first year I'm blogging on August 15 and especially on the Independence Day of India. I'm not an Indian citizen, but every Indians from the universe are somehow by root belongs to India. And by that way I consider myself as a Proud Indian who never born in India but loves India so much. Today morning I woke up, ready to rant on about what a proud nation we are. Independent,,, modern,,, and savvy. So why is it then, suddenly I found myself lost in more negative comments from the locals and those who lives abroad. Some call our independence just an "Illusion", while some other question what is the point of our INDEPENDENCE actually? Today is the day where we are supposed to remember the teachings of Gandhi. But what do we really have to remember? That we are independent of a country that ruled over us for years before we finally kicked them out? But over 60 years later, are we really independent? Till date, we hear of stories of the female infanticide, dowry, corruption, and even caste discrimination. Not really independent from our mentality and thinking.
There is a huge difference. But it's fair to blame all the above issues on the uneducated?? As an educated Indians, we too have a responsibility towards our country. The first of course is so simple. VOTE. The illiterate don't know the differences between their politicians. They are hungry for anything, and thus they will place their vote in those who provide them with empty promises. Every five years ones a metrovoter chooses not to go out and vote. By that you're actually allowing one more corrupt politician to gain another illiterate vote.
Todays' youth have a responsibility to get involved. it's your country, your future. if you're sick of the system, then get and do something rather than just sitting in your sofa, drinking a cup of chaiy and commenting on the ministers who are filling their pockets. And if you're told you don't know what you're talking about, you're still a kid, et all that jazz, then instead of shrugging and walking away, take a stand. The power of youth shouldn't be underestimated.
Look to say we are not an independent strong nation is totally false. This is one of the reasons we are attacked by terrorists regularly. They fear the pace at which we're progressing. But this is not a reason to back down. In fact, now more than ever, we need to get it together. Now this is the time. Our freedom fighters say, " This is not the India we fought for." It's now time to make it that India.
Jai Hind... I am and will always be a proud Indian.