Sunday, March 9, 2014


Pheewwww.. After a few months of hectic I'm back guys. Well you guys know what happened, I lost my password for ankithascinema website!! I'm quite brilliant right?? Well then, not a big matter. Still you guys can subscribe for my reviews at here and this year I started my review blogging with Nimirnthu Nil, where my two favourite peoples pair up in this movie.. :) Oh yeah, I and my Purni have launched our own music and dance group called the Heldegard. Can find us in facebook and twitter as well. And song compositions are really going on well. I'm suppose to be there with them now, but hooked up with some personal matter, so couldn't make it. And soon we will upload our dance video on youtube, oh wait.. I know.. Sure will let you guys know the links okay. And the dance is coming up with three different style. Bharathanatyam, Contemporary and Kutthu dance. Till then stay bless and I love each and every one of you peoples out there. And lets put all our prayers together for the missing jet MH370 :) Aummmmmmm !! 

Mini Review : Nimirnthu Nil

To digest truth it's really something really hard. The whole storyline and details stays in this fact. Nimirnthu Nil is the apt title that tells the actual fact and culture of working of the the government employees in the country. The first half is very very racy plot that even not let the audience to blink their eyes for even a second. Good touch in the performance. Where else the second half was quite draggy with some unnecessary actions and songs which they could have possibly censor to make it look more good. And it was actually missing the good rapport from the first half.

Overall Nimirnthu Nil comes strong in message to the society with it's dynamic dialogues. And coming to the finish line it will engaged you for a worth watch.